This file is an addendum to ./tex82/Fontlist.txt. It discusses the font situation for LaTeX. In summary, the situation is that LaTeX uses a whole bunch of fonts that TeX doesn't. This file isn't a part of Lamport's LaTeX distribution---it's been added at the University of Washington to help you with the installation. First is a list of those fonts that need to be added to your master font area (if you haven't just copied ./pxlfonts, that is) with indications of what are needed for particular devices if you are trying to save space. It has the same format as ./tex82/Fontlist.txt. Secondly, there is a list of fonts that you should already have because of TeX. Third is a list of fonts that are given in the lfonts.tex file that aren't provided here. If you really need any of these, let me know and I'll see what I can do about adding them to the distribution. There are disk space limitations that prevent me from providing them all, though. The font definitions in lfonts.txt are of two kinds: required and not-so-required. The ones that are not absolutely required are preceded by the comment character, %, in that file. We've tried to provide all of the non-commented fonts and some of the commented ones. -Rick === These fonts should be provided in the standard font area === font name 1.0 (200 dpi) 1.2 (240 dpi) 1.315 1.5 (300 dpi) %roman \font\twfvrm = amr10 \@magscale5 % roman 2488pxl 2986pxl 3271pxl 3732pxl \font\twtyrm = amr10 \@magscale4 % roman 2074pxl 2488pxl 2726pxl 3110pxl \font\svtnrm = amr10 \@magscale3 % roman 1728pxl 2074pxl 2272pxl 2592pxl \font\frtnrm = amr10 \@magscale2 % roman 1440pxl 1728pxl 1893pxl 2160pxl \font\twlrm = amr10 \@magscale1 % roman 1200pxl 1440pxl 1577pxl 1800pxl \font\elvrm = amr10 \@halfmag % roman 1095pxl 1315pxl 1440pxl 1643pxl %math italic \font\twtymi = ammi10 \@magscale4 % math italic 2074pxl 2488pxl 2726pxl 3110pxl \font\svtnmi = ammi10 \@magscale3 % math italic 1728pxl 2074pxl 2272pxl 2592pxl \font\frtnmi = ammi10 \@magscale2 % math italic 1440pxl 1728pxl 1893pxl 2160pxl \font\twlmi = ammi10 \@magscale1 % math italic 1200pxl 1440pxl 1577pxl 1800pxl \font\elvmi = ammi10 \@halfmag % math italic 1095pxl 1315pxl 1440pxl 1643pxl %math symbols \font\twtysy = amsy10 \@magscale4 % math symbols 2074pxl 2488pxl 2726pxl 3110pxl \font\svtnsy = amsy10 \@magscale3 % math symbols 1728pxl 2074pxl 2272pxl 2592pxl \font\frtnsy = amsy10 \@magscale2 % math symbols 1440pxl 1728pxl 1893pxl 2160pxl \font\twlsy = amsy10 \@magscale1 % math symbols 1200pxl 1440pxl 1577pxl 1800pxl \font\elvsy = amsy10 \@halfmag % math symbols 1095pxl 1315pxl 1440pxl 1643pxl % sans serif %\font\svtnsf = amss10 \@magscale3 % sans serif 1728pxl 2074pxl 2272pxl 2592pxl %\font\frtnsf = amss10 \@magscale2 % sans serif 1440pxl 1728pxl 1893pxl 2160pxl \font\twlsf = amss10 \@magscale1 % sans serif 1200pxl 1440pxl 1577pxl 1800pxl \font\elvsf = amss10 \@halfmag % sans serif 1095pxl 1315pxl 1440pxl 1643pxl %\font\ninsf = amss10 \@ptscale9 % sans serif 900pxl 1080pxl 1183pxl 1350pxl %\font\egtsf = amss10 \@ptscale8 % sans serif 800pxl 960pxl 1052pxl 1200pxl % slanted sans serif %\font\twlsfi = amssi10 \@magscale1 % italic sans serif 1200pxl 1440pxl 1577pxl 1800pxl %\font\elvsfi = amssi10 \@halfmag % italic sans serif 1095pxl 1315pxl 1440pxl 1643pxl %\font\ninsfi = amssi10 \@ptscale9 % italic sans serif 900pxl 1080pxl 1183pxl 1350pxl % boldface extended %\font\twfvbf = ambx10 \@magscale5 % extended bold 2488pxl 2986pxl 3271pxl 3732pxl %\font\twtybf = ambx10 \@magscale4 % extended bold 2074pxl 2488pxl 2726pxl 3110pxl \font\svtnbf = ambx10 \@magscale3 % extended bold 1728pxl 2074pxl 2272pxl 2592pxl \font\frtnbf = ambx10 \@magscale2 % extended bold 1440pxl 1728pxl 1893pxl 2160pxl \font\twlbf = ambx10 \@magscale1 % extended bold 1200pxl 1440pxl 1577pxl 1800pxl \font\elvbf = ambx10 \@halfmag % exelvded bold 1095pxl 1315pxl 1440pxl 1643pxl % typewriter \font\twltt = amtt10 \@magscale1 % typewriter 1200pxl 1440pxl 1577pxl 1800pxl \font\elvtt = amtt10 \@halfmag % typewriter 1095pxl 1315pxl 1440pxl 1643pxl % slanted roman \font\twlsl = amsl10 \@magscale1 % slanted 1200pxl 1440pxl 1577pxl 1800pxl \font\elvsl = amsl10 \@halfmag % slanted 1095pxl 1315pxl 1440pxl 1643pxl % text italic \font\twlit = amti10 \@magscale1 % text italic 1200pxl 1440pxl 1577pxl 1800pxl \font\elvit = amti10 \@halfmag % text italic 1095pxl 1315pxl 1440pxl 1643pxl % caps and small caps %\font\twtysc = amcsc10 \@magscale4 % small caps 2074pxl 2488pxl 2726pxl 3110pxl %\font\svtnsc = amcsc10 \@magscale3 % small caps 1728pxl 2074pxl 2272pxl 2592pxl %\font\frtnsc = amcsc10 \@magscale2 % small caps 1440pxl 1728pxl 1893pxl 2160pxl %\font\twlsc = amcsc10 \@magscale1 % small caps 1200pxl 1440pxl 1577pxl 1800pxl %\font\elvsc = amcsc10 \@halfmag % small caps 1095pxl 1315pxl 1440pxl 1643pxl %\font\ninsc = amcsc10 \@ptscale9 % small caps 900pxl 1080pxl 1183pxl 1350pxl %\font\egtsc = amcsc10 \@ptscale8 % small caps 800pxl 960pxl 1052pxl 1200pxl % line & circle fonts : 4 fonts \font\tenln = line10 1000pxl 1200pxl 1315pxl 1500pxl \font\tenlnw = linew10 1000pxl 1200pxl 1315pxl 1500pxl \font\tencirc=circle10 1000pxl 1200pxl 1315pxl 1500pxl \font\tencircw=circlew10 1000pxl 1200pxl 1315pxl 1500pxl %math symbols \font\twtyly = lasy10 \@magscale4 % LaTeX symbols 2074pxl 2488pxl 2726pxl 3110pxl \font\svtnly = lasy10 \@magscale3 % LaTeX symbols 1728pxl 2074pxl 2272pxl 2592pxl \font\frtnly = lasy10 \@magscale2 % LaTeX symbols 1440pxl 1728pxl 1893pxl 2160pxl \font\twlly = lasy10 \@magscale1 % LaTeX symbols 1200pxl 1440pxl 1577pxl 1800pxl \font\elvly = lasy10 \@halfmag % LaTeX symbols 1095pxl 1315pxl 1440pxl 1643pxl \font\tenly = lasy10 % LaTeX symbols 1000pxl 1200pxl 1315pxl 1500pxl \font\ninly = lasy9 % LaTeX symbols 1000pxl 1200pxl 1315pxl 1500pxl \font\egtly = lasy8 % LaTeX symbols 1000pxl 1200pxl 1315pxl 1500pxl \font\sevly = lasy7 % LaTeX symbols 1000pxl 1200pxl 1315pxl 1500pxl \font\sixly = lasy6 % LaTeX symbols 1000pxl 1200pxl 1315pxl 1500pxl \font\fivly = lasy5 % LaTeX symbols 1000pxl 1200pxl 1315pxl 1500pxl === These should already be present because TeX's plain.tex refers to them === %\font\tenmib = ambi10 % bold math italic %\font\tensyb = ambsy10 % bold symbols \font\tenbf = ambx10 % extended bold %\font\sevbf = ambx7 % extended bold %\font\egtbf = ambx8 % extended bold \font\ninbf = ambx9 % extended bold %\font\tensc = amcsc10 % small caps \font\tenex = amex10 \font\tenmi = ammi10 % math italic \font\fivmi = ammi5 % math italic \font\sixmi = ammi6 % math italic \font\sevmi = ammi7 % math italic \font\egtmi = ammi8 % math italic \font\ninmi = ammi9 % math italic \font\tenrm = amr10 % roman \font\fivrm = amr5 % roman \font\sixrm = amr6 % roman \font\sevrm = amr7 % roman \font\egtrm = amr8 % roman \font\ninrm = amr9 % roman \font\tensl = amsl10 % slanted %\font\egtsl = amsl8 % slanted %\font\ninsl = amsl9 % slanted \font\tensf = amss10 % sans serif %\font\tentts = amsltt10 % slanted typewriter %\font\tensfi = amssi10 % italic sans serif %\font\tensfb = amssbx10 % bold sans serif %\font\frtnsfb = amssbx10 \@magscale2 % bold sans serif \font\fivsy = amsy5 % math symbols \font\sixsy = amsy6 % math symbols \font\sevsy = amsy7 % math symbols \font\egtsy = amsy8 % math symbols \font\ninsy = amsy9 % math symbols \font\tensy = amsy10 % math symbols \font\tenit = amti10 % text italic \font\sevit = amti7 % text italic \font\egtit = amti8 % text italic \font\ninit = amti9 % text italic %\font\egttt = amtt8 % typewriter \font\nintt = amtt9 % typewriter %\font\frtntt = amtt10 \@magscale2 % typewriter \font\tentt = amtt10 % typewriter %\font\tenuit = amu10 % unslanted italic === These were mentioned in lfonts.tex but aren't provided in the Unix-TeX distribution === %\font\fivmib = ambi10 \@ptscale5 % bold math italic %\font\sixmib = ambi10 \@ptscale6 % bold math italic %\font\sevmib = ambi10 \@ptscale7 % bold math italic %\font\egtmib = ambi10 \@ptscale8 % bold math italic %\font\ninmib = ambi10 \@ptscale9 % bold math italic %\font\elvmib = ambi10 \@halfmag % bold math italic %\font\twlmib = ambi10 \@magscale1 % bold math italic %\font\frtnmib = ambi10 \@magscale2 % bold math italic %\font\svtnmib = ambi10 \@magscale3 % bold math italic %\font\twtymib = ambi10 \@magscale4 % bold math italic %\font\twfvmib = ambi10 \@magscale5 % bold math italic %\font\fivsyb = ambsy10 \@ptscale5 % bold math symbols %\font\sixsyb = ambsy10 \@ptscale6 % bold math symbols %\font\sevsyb = ambsy10 \@ptscale7 % bold math symbols %\font\egtsyb = ambsy10 \@ptscale8 % bold math symbols %\font\ninsyb = ambsy10 \@ptscale9 % bold math symbols %\font\elvsyb = ambsy10 \@halfmag % bold symbols %\font\twlsyb = ambsy10 \@magscale1 % bold symbols %\font\frtnsyb = ambsy10 \@magscale2 % bold symbols %\font\svtnsyb = ambsy10 \@magscale3 % bold symbols %\font\twtysyb = ambsy10 \@magscale4 % bold symbols %\font\twfvsyb = ambsy10 \@magscale5 % bold symbols %\font\fivbf = ambx7 scaled 714 % extended bold %\font\sixbf = ambx7 scaled 857 % extended bold %\font\fivbfs = ambxsl10\@ptscale5 % extended bold slanted %\font\sixbfs = ambxsl10\@ptscale6 % extended bold slanted %\font\sevbfs = ambxsl10\@ptscale7 % extended bold slanted %\font\egtbfs = ambxsl10\@ptscale8 % extended bold slanted %\font\ninbfs = ambxsl10\@ptscale9 % extended bold slanted %\font\tenbfs = ambxsl10 % extended bold slanted %\font\elvbfs = ambxsl10 \@halfmag % exelvded bold slanted %\font\twlbfs = ambxsl10 \@magscale1 % extended bold slanted %\font\frtnbfs = ambxsl10 \@magscale2 % extended bold slanted %\font\svtnbfs = ambxsl10 \@magscale3 % extended bold slanted %\font\twtybfs = ambxsl10 \@magscale4 % extended bold slanted %\font\twfvbfs = ambxsl10 \@magscale5 % extended bold slanted %\font\fivsc = amcsc10 \@ptscale5 % small caps %\font\sixsc = amcsc10 \@ptscale6 % small caps %\font\sevsc = amcsc10 \@ptscale7 % small caps %\font\twfvsc = amcsc10 \@magscale5 % small caps %\font\fivtti = amitt10 \@ptscale5 % italic typewriter %\font\sixtti = amitt10 \@ptscale6 % italic typewriter %\font\sevtti = amitt10 \@ptscale7 % italic typewriter %\font\egttti = amitt10 \@ptscale8 % italic typewriter %\font\nintti = amitt10 \@ptscale9 % italic typewriter %\font\tentti = amitt10 % italic typewriter %\font\elvtti = amitt10 \@halfmag % italic typewriter %\font\twltti = amitt10 \@magscale1 % italic typewriter %\font\frtntti = amitt10 \@magscale2 % italic typewriter %\font\svtntti = amitt10 \@magscale3 % italic typewriter %\font\twtytti = amitt10 \@magscale4 % italic typewriter %\font\twfvtti = amitt10 \@magscale5 % italic typewriter %\font\frtnsl = amsl10 \@magscale2 % slanted %\font\svtnsl = amsl10 \@magscale3 % slanted %\font\twtysl = amsl10 \@magscale4 % slanted %\font\fivsl = amsl10 \@ptscale5 % slanted %\font\sixsl = amsl10 \@ptscale6 % slanted %\font\sevsl = amsl10 \@ptscale7 % slanted %\font\twfvsl = amsl10 \@magscale5 % slanted %\font\fivtts = amsltt10\@ptscale5 % slanted typewriter %\font\sixtts = amsltt10\@ptscale6 % slanted typewriter %\font\sevtts = amsltt10\@ptscale7 % slanted typewriter %\font\egttts = amsltt10\@ptscale8 % slanted typewriter %\font\nintts = amsltt10\@ptscale9 % slanted typewriter %\font\elvtts = amsltt10 \@halfmag % slanted typewriter %\font\twltts = amsltt10 \@magscale1 % slanted typewriter %\font\frtntts = amsltt10 \@magscale2 % slanted typewriter %\font\svtntts = amsltt10 \@magscale3 % slanted typewriter %\font\twtytts = amsltt10 \@magscale4 % slanted typewriter %\font\twfvtts = amsltt10 \@magscale5 % slanted typewriter %\font\fivsf = amss10 \@ptscale5 % sans serif %\font\sixsf = amss10 \@ptscale6 % sans serif %\font\sevsf = amss10 \@ptscale7 % sans serif %\font\twtysf = amss10 \@magscale4 % sans serif %\font\twfvsf = amss10 \@magscale5 % sans serif %\font\fivsfb = amssbx10\@ptscale5 % bold sans serif %\font\sixsfb = amssbx10\@ptscale6 % bold sans serif %\font\sevsfb = amssbx10\@ptscale7 % bold sans serif %\font\egtsfb = amssbx10\@ptscale8 % bold sans serif %\font\ninsfb = amssbx10\@ptscale9 % bold sans serif %\font\elvsfb = amssbx10 \@halfmag % bold sans serif %\font\twlsfb = amssbx10 \@magscale1 % bold sans serif %\font\svtnsfb = amssbx10 \@magscale3 % bold sans serif %\font\twtysfb = amssbx10 \@magscale4 % bold sans serif %\font\twfvsfb = amssbx10 \@magscale5 % bold sans serif %\font\fivsfi = amssi10 \@ptscale5 % italic sans serif %\font\sixsfi = amssi10 \@ptscale6 % italic sans serif %\font\sevsfi = amssi10 \@ptscale7 % italic sans serif %\font\egtsfi = amssi10 \@ptscale8 % italic sans serif %\font\frtnsfi = amssi10 \@magscale2 % italic sans serif %\font\svtnsfi = amssi10 \@magscale3 % italic sans serif %\font\twtysfi = amssi10 \@magscale4 % italic sans serif %\font\twfvsfi = amssi10 \@magscale5 % italic sans serif %\font\twfvsy = amsy10 \@magscale5 % math symbols %\font\frtnit = amti10 \@magscale2 % text italic %\font\svtnit = amti10 \@magscale3 % text italic %\font\twtyit = amti10 \@magscale4 % text italic %\font\twfvit = amti10 \@magscale5 % text italic %\font\fivit = amti7 scaled 714 % text italic %\font\sixit = amti7 scaled 857 % text italic %\font\fivtt = amtt10 \@ptscale5 % typewriter %\font\sixtt = amtt10 \@ptscale6 % typewriter %\font\sevtt = amtt10 \@ptscale7 % typewriter %\font\svtntt = amtt10 \@magscale3 % typewriter %\font\twtytt = amtt10 \@magscale4 % typewriter %\font\twfvtt = amtt10 \@magscale5 % typewriter %\font\twfvmi = ammi10 \@magscale5 % math italic %\font\fivuit = amu10 \@ptscale5 % unslanted italic %\font\sixuit = amu10 \@ptscale6 % unslanted italic %\font\sevuit = amu10 \@ptscale7 % unslanted italic %\font\egtuit = amu10 \@ptscale8 % unslanted italic %\font\ninuit = amu10 \@ptscale9 % unslanted italic %\font\elvuit = amu10 \@halfmag % unslanted italic %\font\twluit = amu10 \@magscale1 % unslanted italic %\font\frtnuit = amu10 \@magscale2 % unslanted italic %\font\svtnuit = amu10 \@magscale3 % unslanted italic %\font\twtyuit = amu10 \@magscale4 % unslanted italic %\font\twfvuit = amu10 \@magscale5 % unslanted italic %\font\twfvly = lasy10 \@magscale5 % LaTeX symbols %\font\fivlyb = lasyb10 \@ptscale5 % LaTeX symbols %\font\sixlyb = lasyb10 \@ptscale6 % LaTeX symbols %\font\sevlyb = lasyb10 \@ptscale7 % LaTeX symbols %\font\egtlyb = lasyb10 \@ptscale8 % LaTeX symbols %\font\ninlyb = lasyb10 \@ptscale9 % LaTeX symbols %\font\tenlyb = lasyb10 % bold LaTeX symbols %\font\elvlyb = lasyb10 \@halfmag % bold LaTeX symbols %\font\twllyb = lasyb10 \@magscale1 % bold LaTeX symbols %\font\frtnlyb = lasyb10 \@magscale2 % bold LaTeX symbols %\font\svtnlyb = lasyb10 \@magscale3 % bold LaTeX symbols %\font\twtylyb = lasyb10 \@magscale4 % bold LaTeX symbols %\font\twfvlyb = lasyb10 \@magscale5 % bold LaTeX symbols