% Make an entry that will span multiple rows of a table. % % \multirow{nrows}[bigstruts]{width}[fixup]{text} % % nrows is the number of rows to span. It's up to you to leave the rows % empty, or the stuff created by \multirow will over-write it. % % bigstruts is mainly used if you've used bigstrut.sty. In that case it % is the total number of uses of \bigstrut within the rows being % spanned. Count 2 uses for each \bigstrut, 1 for each \bigstrut[x] % where x is either t or b. The default is 0. % width is the width to which the text is to be set, or * to indicate that % the text argument's natural width is to be used. % % text is the actual text. If the width was set explicitly, the text will % be set in a parbox of that width; you can use \\ to force linebreaks % where you like. % % If the width was given as * the text will be set in LR mode. If you % want a multiline entry in this case you should use a tabular or array % in the text parameter. % % The text is centered vertically within the range spanned by nrows. % % fixup is a length used for fine tuning: The text will be raised (or % lowered, if fixup is negative) by that length above (below) wherever % it would otherwise have gone. %
NAME catdoc - reads MS-Word file and puts its content as plain text on standard output SYNOPSIS catdoc [-aswth] files... DESCRIPTION catdoc behaves much like cat(1) but it reads MS-Word file and produces human-readable text on standard output. Optionally it can use latex(1) escape sequenses for charac- ters which have specail meaning for LaTeX. It also makes some effort to recognize MS-Word tables, although it never tries to write correct headers for LaTeX tabular environ- ment. catdoc can be invoked as filter, if you supply "-" instead of filename, but it is probably useless. It could be removed in future versions, becouse true parsing of Word file (fast saves, footnotes) requires seekable output. OPTIONS -a - converts non-standard printable char into readable form (default). Separates table columns with TAB -t - converts all printable chars, which have special meaning for LaTeX(1) into appropriate control sequences. Separates table columns by &. -w disables word wrapping. By default catdoc output is splitted into lines not longer than 72 characters and paragraphs are separated by blank line. With this option each paragraph is one long line. -s exits with non-zero exit code, if MS-Word signature is not found before first printable paragraph, pro- ducing no output. -h - displays brief usage message and exits All options affect only files, specified after them in com- mand line. BUGS Can produce garbage, if file contain embedded illustrations. Doesn't handle fast-saves properly. Prints footnotes as separate paragraphs at the end of file, instead of producing correct latex commands.
NAME lintex - removes TeX-related garbage files SYNOPSIS lintex [ -i ] [ -r ] [ -b extension ] [ directories ] DESCRIPTION lintex is a program that removes TeX-related auxilliary files, normally not needed after the TeX run (i.e. log, aux, dvi, ... files); they are actually removed only if their modification time is more recent than the one of the related TeX source. In addition, all the backup files that your favorite editor creates are also removed. OPTIONS -i Asks the user before actually removing any file. -r The given directories are scanned recursively; i.e., if they contain any subdirectory structure, all the tree will be cleaned up. -b extension extension is the trailer string that identifies editor backup files, e.g. -b .bak ; defaults to ~ (the tilde character), i.e. to the emacs convention. If extension includes characters having a special meaning for the shell, it must be enclosed in quotes to avoid expan- sion: e.g. -b "~" (equivalent to the default). Speci- fying the null string, as in -b "" , avoids cleanup of any special file. PARAMETERS directories The name(s), separated by spaces, of one or more direc- tories to be cleaned; if not given, defaults to the current directory.
The Martin Vogels Symbole (marvosym) font is a Type 1 font. The marvosym style file lets you use this font in LaTeX2e documents. The font contains - the Euro currency symbol as defined by the European commission - Euro currency symbols in typefaces Times, Helvetica and Courier - Symbols fur structural engineering - Symbols for steel cross-sections - Astronomy signs (Sun, Moon, planets) - The 12 signs of the zodiac - Scissor symbols - a CE sign and others.
Exemple d'utilisation :
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[OT2]{fontenc} \begin{document} {\rmfamily abvgde\"{e}zhzi\U{i}klmnoprstufkhtschshshch\hard y\soft \e yuya ABVGDE\"{E}ZHZI\U{I}KLMNOPRSTUFKHTSCHSHSHCH\Hard Y\Soft \E YUYA} } \begin{verse} Pustoe \emph{vy} serdechnym \emph{ty} \\ Ona, obmolvyas\soft, zamenila \\ I vse schastlivye mechty \\ V dushe vlyubl\"{e}nno\U{i} vozbudila. \\ Pred ne\U{i} zadumchivo stoyu, \\ Svesti oche\U{i} s ne\"{e} net sily; \\ I govoryu e\U{i}: kak \emph{vy} mily! \\ I myslyu: kak \emph{tebya} lyublyu! \\ \end{verse} \begin{flushright} A. S. Pushkin, 1828 \end{flushright}
Support également du codage cyrillique T2. Ce codage est le nouveau codage standard de LaTeX pour ecrire en cyrillique, en particulier avec le package babel. Ce codage se subdivise en quatre codages : T2A, T2B, T2C et X2. Pour le moment, seul le codage X2 peut etre utilisé. Cela se fera avec \usepackage[X2]{fontenc}. Ce codage fait appel aux nouvelles polices LH. Le codage en entrée peut être choisi avec le package inputenc. Les insertions françaises ou autres doivent se faire explicitement, comme indiqué dans l'exemple ci-dessous :
\documentclass{article} \newcommand{\anglais}{\fontencoding{OT1}\selectfont\english} \usepackage[X2]{fontenc} % codage des polices \usepackage[koi8-r]{inputenc} % codage en entree % autres codages possibles : cp866, cp855, cp1251, etc. \usepackage[english,russian]{babel} \begin{document}{\anglais Normal text...} \end{document}
Les coupures cyrilliques ne sont pour le moment pas incluses dans le format standard, vu le faible nombre d'utilisateurs, mais pourront être incluses dans des versions privées à la demande (mail latex).
The sectsty package is a LaTeX2e package meant to help change the style of any or all of LaTeX's sectional headers in the article, book, or report classes.
IBM's techexplorer* is a Web browser for readers and publishers of scientific articles, books, and journals on the Internet. A Netscape Navigator plug-in, it dynamically formats and displays documents containing expressions coded with the popular TeX and LaTeX markup languages.Mode d'emploi :
Rajouter dans le .cshrc : setenv TECHEXPLORER_HOME /usr/local/lib/techexpl Sur la machine ou l'on est connecte en console faire un : xset fp+ /usr/local/lib/techexpl/Fonts xset fp rehash Rajouter dans le .mime.types type=text/mathml exts="mml" et dans le .mailcap text/mathml;; x-mozilla-flags=plugin:nptchexp.so
psfixbb is a tool to create a BoundingBox in Postscript(R) files which do not have one, or to fix an incorrect existing BoundingBox.
Usage: dvi2pdf [-v] infile[.dvi] [outfile[.pdf]]
dc logo ams cm wasy stmaryrd rsfs
%%% Gives the capability of adding keywords, a running title, AMS %%% subject classifications, and an ``authors footnote'' as footnotes %%% to the title or first page of a document. I use it with the %%% article class, but I hope it will work with any class for which %%% the ``\thanks'' macro works. Suggestions are welcome. %%% %%% Keywords are set by, e.g., \keywords{Smoothing, bootstrap.}. %%% %%% The running title is set by, e.g., \runningtitle{A few words.}. %%% %%% AMS subject classifications are set by, e.g., %%% \amssubj{Primary 62G07, Secondary 62G09.}
fancyvrb, written by timothy van zandt but now maintained by denis girou and sebastian rahtz, does pretty much everything you ever thought you might want by way of verbatim typesetting. by comparison with the standard verbatim commands, extensions are: * verbatim commands can be used in footnotes, * several verbatim commands are enhanced, * a variety of verbatim environments are provided, with many parameters to change the way the contents are printed; it is also possible to define new customized verbatim environments, * a way is provided to save and restore verbatim text and environments, * there are macros to write and read files in verbatim mode, with the usual versatility, and * you can build _example_ environments (showing both result and verbatim text), with the same versatility as normal verbatim. the package was described in public for the first time this morning, at eurotex'98.
% Changes in 3.3 % - updated author's address again % - parametrised \CommentCutFile % Changes in 3.4 % - added GNU public license % - added \processcomment, because Ivo's fix (above) brought an % inconsistency to light.
This is a LaTeX package for changing line spacings in whole documents or portions thereof. Version 6.3 contains several bug fixes, code simplifications, and new features. These are documented in comments within setspace.sty. PS: The usage instruction doesn't describe how to specify an option; they assume that LaTeX users know this. However, according to Leslie Lamport's LaTeX User's Guide and Reference Manual, page 178: \usepackage[nodisplayskipstretch]{setspace} when you want that option, and: \usepackage{setspace} when you don't.
This new release contains three major changes: o The geometry options using the keyval scheme can be set in the optional argument to the \usepackage command as well as in the argument of the \geometry macro. Therefore, you can go \usepackage[scale={0.7,0.8},nohead]{geometry} instead of \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{scale={0.7,0.8}, nohead}. o Multiple use of \geometry macro is allowed. In the previous version, \geometry initialized layout dimensions before reading its options. In this release, however, \geometry just appends its options to the previously specified ones. Therefore, \usepackage[width=10cm, left=3cm]{geometry} \geometry{left=5cm} \geometry{vscale=0.8,nohead} is equivalent to \usepackage[width=10cm, left=5cm, vscale=0.8, nohead]{geometry}. If you want to reset layout dimensions and modes, you can use `reset' option. o The shortened control sequences for \paperwidth and \paperheight, \w and \h respectively, were removed.
the changes are: - the stable and multiple options apply equally to \footnotemark as to \footnote (they should have done this all along, of course...) - a *very* long-standing bug in the symbol* option has been squashed
Textpos: absolute positioning of text on the LaTeX page ------------------------------------------------------- This package facilitates placing boxes at absolute positions on the LaTeX page. There are several reasons why this might be useful, but the main one (or at least my motivating one) is to help produce a large-format conference poster. This package provides a single environment, which contains the text (or graphics, or table, or whatever) which is to be placed on the page, and which specifies where it is to be placed.
Il y a trois commandes : distill Transforme un fichier postscript en PDF. Exemple : distill fichier.ps Crée un fichier : fichier.pdf distilld La même chose que distill sous forme de démon scrutant un répertoire et convertissant à la volée. acroexch L'éditeur de PDF. Se lance en tapant acroexch. On trouve la doc en PDF de ces trois applications dans le menu Help de acroexch.À noter que la version UNIX, contrairement aux versions Windows et MacOs, ne permet malheureusement pas l'édition complète du pdf (juste d'ajouter des liens, d'annoter, etc.). Il faut aussi savoir que pour l'instant, il reste quelques problèmes de qualité de fontes si on transforme un fichier PostScript produit par dvips en fichier PDF, en particulier pour les documents en français. À ce propos, quelques indications de Laurent Pierron qui peuvent être utiles :
DVIPS place dans le fichier PostScript généré des images bitmaps des fontes à la résolution de l'imprimante. Dans le jargon de Postsscript ce sont des fontes de Type 3. Hors ces fontes bitmaps ne peuvent pas être lissées sur un écran par Acrobat. À noter que le problème est identique avec Ghostview. La solution est d'utiliser des fontes Postcript de Type 1, et de demander à dvips d'inclure ces fontes de Type 1 dans le fichier postscript. Le problème est que les documents écrits en français utilisent en général le codage de police T1, pour lequel il n'existe pas de version Type 1. On peut s'en sortir en utilisant soit des approximations du codage T1 faisant intervenir des polices virtuelles (polices AE par exemple), ou bien utiliser le codage OT1 avec un moteur tel que MlTeX. Dans ce dernier cas, on aura quand même les coupures françaises correctes. En dernier ressort, on peut utiliser le codage OT1 avec TeX et supprimer toutes les coupures. Le texte ne sera pas mis en page de manière optimale, mais les versions Type 1 des polices CM pourront être utilisées. La commande à utiliser pour créer un fichier PS avec les fontes CM incluses est : dvips fichier.dvi -P cmtype1 -o
The primary purpose of release 3.6 is the inclusion of much improved PostSript fonts courtesy of Y&Y TeX and several Internetwide volunteers: these make it possible to use Xy-pic output with Windows (in addition to Macintosh and Un*x), Adobe's ATM software, and to produce Adobe PDF ("Acrobat") files. NOTE: This change means that you must REMOVE SOME OLD FONT FILES (the details of which and how are in the INSTALL file). Release 3.6 furthermore fixes a few problems of release 3.5: * frames more robust against disappearing on bogus PostScript printers * thickness of curves now adjustable * TDS compliance improved * bogus `graph escape redefined' message eliminated
The authorindex package is intended to generate a list of all authors cited in a work along with a list of pages where these citations occur. Alternatively, the labels of the works that appear in the references can be listed instead of the pages. The package needs perl to run. The use of BibTeX is mandatory. The package can be used stand alone or as a preprocessor for makeindex.
footmisc started life as a bug-fix release of footnote, and does indeed mend all bugs (presently known to me) in the older package. in addition, i have - removed its dependency on the fascinating patch.tex (on account of the confusion that dependency caused) - added new facilities (package options symbol*, stable, multiple, splitrule and the ability to enable debugging traces since the multiple and stable options implement the code contained in other older packages of mine, i have also deleted macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/multfoot.sty macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/stblftnt.sty i would very much appreciate the removal of the old packages from tex distributions and catalogue information as soon as possible. i apologise for any confusion that this may cause, but the name change had to be made to one package or the other.
% Based on the FOOTNOTES section of % LATEX.TEX (VERSION 2.09 - RELEASE OF 19 April 1986), with % "footnote" changed to "endnote" and "fn" changed to "en" (where % appropriate), with all the minipage stuff pulled out, and with % some small changes for the different operation of endnotes. % % Uses an extra external file, with .ENT extension, to hold the % text of the endnotes. This may be deleted after the run; a new % version is generated each time.Doc dans le source du package.
GlossTeX is a tool for the automatic preparation of glossaries, lists of acronyms and sorted lists in general for use with LaTeX and MakeIndex.Mes premiers essais semblent indiquer que ça ne marche pas encore de manière parfaite ; je ne sais pas si cela est dû à une vieille version de makeindex sur notre site ou à autre chose. À voir...
tex2bib is a perl script which converts bibitems embedded in a document to bib format.
The ``Tabbing'' package offers a variant of the tabbing environment which allows accented letters (much mail about that in comp.text.tex these days). The Tabbing package has been exposed in the french FAQ since month without any problem.
latexn is a csh script to run latex as many times as needed on a given file to resolve cross references, and to ensure that the table of contents, bibliography, and index (if any) are up-to-date. It tries to avoid running latex more times than needed. Documentation is in the form of comments and help text in the file. The new version adds the following: 1. It runs bibtex if needed, and ensures that the bibliography is up-to-date. 2. It cleans up after itself by deleting the extra files it generates.
In addition to adapting xtem to the new Tcl/Tk, we have done error corrections and added new features, such as: - the hyphenations found in the .dvi-file can be displayed after a TeX run (for this we have written a program hyphen_show.c); - we also realized key bindings, - and we modified the print menu (page selection is now controlled for the existence of the selected page numbers in the document).
Two new environments have been added, mpsupertabular and mpsupertabular*. They were provided by Axel Kielhorn. These environments are variants of the old supertabular environments that put each tabular segment in its own minipage. This eases the addition of footnotes to a multipage tabular. Fixed a few bugs, one with \\[...] inside \tablehead and \tabletail, the other in the calculation of the available height on the first page of the supertabular. This one affected it's use in twocolumn mode only.
Finally fixed the bug that produced diagonal bars when a changebar was started near the end of a page. Also made changebar work in LaTeX's twocolumn mode, in twocolumn the bars appear on the `outside' of each column (which means to the left of the left column and to the right of the right column). Also fixed a bug in the calculation of the positioning of the bars.
A new and enhanced LaTeX support package for the old german fonts The package yfonts.sty supports the old german fonts `Gotisch', `Fraktur', `Schwabacher' and `Initialen' designed by Yannis Haralambous. In contrast to oldgerm.sty the package provides a full *NFSS interface*, and it may be used in conjunction with *german.sty*. The package comes as a documented LaTeX source with an installation script and an example document. This software replaces my now obsolete package fraktur.sty, which has been removed. Major changes are: * support for the gothic font, too * various bug fixes * better documentation Greetings Walter Schmidt
New boolean resource print.equal.right which controls whether the = in normal entries is aligned right or left. New boolean resource print.wide.equal which controlls whether the equal sign is surrounded by spaces even if the alignment forces a narrower layout. New boolean resource print.comma.at.end which controlls whether the comma between fields is printed at the end or at the beginning of a fiel/value pair. New boolean resource print.deleted.entries which controls the treatment of deleted entries. If this resource is true then delete entries are put as comments into the output. This is the old behavior and thus it is the default. Pseudo field `sortkey' added. Pseudo field `source' added which contains the filename the record has been read from or the empty string if this can not be determined. Strings can be either local to a database or global. The output of macro does include local macros only. This is a point of incompatibility with previous versions. Massive extensions to BibTcl. Cleaning of the sources and massive addition of documentation. Now the documentation of the C functions is present. Thus it becomes possible to use the BibTool routines to write C programs. BibTcl is a first application of this technique. Nevertheless a few changes seem possible before things are cut in stone. Some additions have been made to support new features in the forthcoming BibTeX 1.0. They do not really work right now but just restrict the accepted input files.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Comment.sty version 3.2, August 1997 % selectively in/exclude pieces of text: the user can define new % comment versions, and each is controlled separately. % Special comments can be defined where the user specifies the % action that is to be taken with each comment line. % % Usage: all text included in between % \comment ... \endcomment % or \begin{comment} ... \end{comment} % is discarded. % The opening and closing commands should appear on a line % of their own. No starting spaces, nothing after it. % This environment should work with arbitrary amounts % of comment. % % Other `comment' environments are defined by % and are selected/deselected with % \includecomment{versiona} % \excludecoment{versionb} % % These environments are used as % \versiona ... \endversiona % or \begin{versiona} ... \end{versiona} % with the opening and closing commands again on a line of % their own. % % LaTeX users note: for an included comment, the % \begin and \end lines act as if they don't exist. % In particular, assignments &c are not local. % % Special comments are defined as % \specialcomment{name}{before commands}{after commands} % where the second and third arguments are executed before % and after each comment block. % By defining a control sequence % \Thiscomment##1{...} in the before commands the user can % specify what is to be done with each comment line. % To keep definitions &c local, you can include \begingroup % in the `before commands' and \endgroup in the `after commands'. %
Changes from 1.07: o A bug fixed (Changed the catcode of `!' explicitly within the package) o Some package files renamed and revised. This version would work well in the emTeX system.
\documentstyle[french]{...}devront écrire
\documentstyle[frltx209]{...}Toutefois, comme il y a un french.sty sous texmf/tex/generic et que texmf/tex/latex n'est pas parcouru lorsque `tex' est lancé, les anciens fichiers plain TeX fonctionneront encore.
Bien sûr, ceux qui écrivaient \documentstyle[french]{...} sont une fois de plus encouragés à passer en vrai mode LaTeX2e.
The listings-package is intend to typeset listings using LaTeX2e. It is not a cross compiler, the source code is read directly by TeX! Keywords, comments and strings can be typeset using different styles, e.g. default is bold for keywords, italic for comments and no special style for strings (but blank spaces are printed as with verbatim*, but there is a command to change this, ...).
tth is a TeX to HTML translator that renders mathematics and most of the relevant aspects of TeX into HTML3.2. It does not use images for hard-to-translate items like mathematics. Instead it uses fonts and HTML tables to give compact output that is semantically correct. It consists of a single executable available as a single C file and therefore portable to any system. Some precompiled executables are also available. Installation is trivial. tth is extremely fast, and hence suitable for a CGI script. In the latest version, 0.60, tth simultaneously supports a major subset of LaTeX.
Release 3.4 fixes the following problems remaining in release 3.3: * \txt and v2 arrow commands now work again, even first in matrix entries! * Tiling patterns are functional again! * PostScript frames have the right shape again! * The [F**] `enhance' modifier is now useful, even without PostScript! * Using Xy-constructions with & inside other table constructs possible! * Improved non-PostScript curved dashing! * `Illegal parameter number in definition of \lastprentry@@' bug fixed! as well as the usual collection of minor fixes in code & documentation (all described in the ChangeLog file of the source distribution). Release 3.5 fixes the following problem of release 3.4: * Breaks (in arrows) were ignored more often than not! Furthermore version 3.5 adds an installation script for TDS-compliant un*x Xy-pic installations.
L'utilitaire skeltex a été mis à jour pour le faire automatiquement. Par la même occasion, cet utilitaire vous propose maintenant d'inclure vos graphiques avec le package standard graphicx, et non plus avec oldepsfig.
Change from 1.05: reversemarginpar supported
\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{arabtex} \begin{document} \setarab % choose the language conventions \vocalize % diacritics for short vowels on \transtrue % additionally switch on the transliteration \arabtrue % print arabic text ... is on anyway \spreadtrue % spread out caption \centerline {<^gu.hA wa-.himAruhu>} \begin{arabtext} 'at_A .sadIquN 'il_A ^gu.hA ya.tlubu minhu .himArahu li-yarkabahu fI safraTiN qa.sIraTiN wa-qAla lahu: sawfa 'u`Iduhu 'ilayka fI al-masA'i, wa-'adfa`u laka 'u^graTaN. \\ fa-qAla ^gu.hA: 'anA 'AsifuN ^giddaN 'annI lA 'asta.tI`u 'an 'u.haqqiqa laka ra.gbataka, fa-al.himAru laysa hunA al-yawma. \\ wa-qabla 'an yutimmu ^gu.hA kalAmahu bada'a al-.himAru yanhaqu fI i.s.tablihi. \\ fa-qAla lahu .sadIquhu: 'innI 'asma`u .himAraka yA ^gu.hA yanhaqu. \\ fa-qAla lahu ^gu.hA: .garIbuN 'amruka yA .sadIqI! 'a-tu.saddiqu al-.himAra wa-tuka_d_dibunI? \end{arabtext} \end{document}
\documentclass[a4,portrait]{seminar} \input seminar.bug \usepackage{fancybox} \begin{document} ...L'utilitaire skeltex a été mis à jour pour le faire automatiquement. Il peut aussi être intéressant de lire les commentaires du fichier /usr/local/lib/texmf/tex/latex/seminar/seminar.bug, car ils signalent aussi la manière de pallier d'autres problèmes connus avec seminar.
Sorting uses the new key instead of the old one as before. This has not been specified, but the new behaviour might be more intuitive. key.format=empty fixed. key.format short.need and long.need are aliases for new.short and new.long resp. Some error messages slightly improved. Minor print bug fixed: additional commas appeared when the last field was deleted. Typo in documentation: I had typed preserve.key instead of preserve.keys. Some additional examples in the documentation. Field deletetion completely covered by the rewriting mechanism. delete.field is kept for backward compatibility as an alias.
- The process that decides when to break the tabular and move on to the next page has been rethought and enhanced. - the internal macro \tableformat has become \ST@tableformat - Made a normal tabular in a cell of a supertabular work. - fixed some bugs.
Change from 1.04: dvips option definition modified to make \special shipped out properly in the dvi file using \AtBeginDvi.
This new version (from 2.0.1 to 2.1) fixes some small bugs and added support for the official EC fonts of LaTeX 1996/12/01 (as well as some backlevel support for the previous release of the DC fonts).
When trying to determine whether LaTeX needs to be rerun, I think the approach of testing the .log file for a string like "Rerun to get cross-references right" fails if there is a table of contents, since there is no information in the .log file to indicate that the .toc file is incorrect. Ben Bullock mentioned a script, latexn, that I have written, that does not suffer from this problem. The test I use is whether the .aux file (and .idx file, if any) has changed. As far as I can see, that is completely general, apart from dealing with BIBTEX. In addition, the script does't rerun LaTeX if there are serious errors, since these need correcting first, normally. I use the script instead of the normal latex command. It can be used in a make file without the need to determine how many times to run latex. John Collins CERN and Penn State University
The default for the pattern in the select resource is now ".". Thus it is easier to select entries with a given type. New resource preserve.keys introduced. If this resource is on then key generation touches only records with empty keys. The keys of other records are left unchanged. Initially this resource is off. The disambiguation now respects the order of the records. Previously it used the reverse order which was contra-intuitive. Formating names: Names connected by ~ or tight initials (A.U. Thor) are now treated better. Nasty little bug in the key specification parser fixed. This has (sometimes) let to a wrong evaluation of disjunctions. Minor bug in verbose messages fixed.
From: kamano@po.iijnet.or.jp (Kazuo AMANO) Subject: [2nd Announcement] src2tex 2.12 is available Date: 18 Jan 1997 13:44:00 GMT To: LitProg@SHSU.edu Dear colleagues More than ten years have already passed since D. E. Knuth's famous paper "Literate Programming" was published. However, unlike TeX, WEB has not become popular among illiterate laypersons. Programmers are still struggling to make their sources more readable by using [TAB]s and [SPACE]s and also, by using non-alphabetic characters artistically. It is clear that there needs something very simple and easy-to-use which enables to combine documentation, manual, mathematical formulae and postscript figures with source program. Here we would like to announce that we have just released our free software src2tex version 2.12 in fj.sources newsgroup. We would be very glad if you could enjoy it. N.B. Though src2tex may looks like noweb or any other literate programming tool, the fundamental idea of src2tex is completely different from that of WEB system. In fact, src2tex simply generates documentation with formulae, figures, etc from source program. Maybe, I should say src2tex is an illiterate programming tool. ================================= RELEASENOTE ============================== src2tex version 2.12 Kazuo AMANO (kamano@po.iijnet.or.jp) Shinichi NOMOTO (m93093@euclides.josai.ac.jp) Roughly speaking, src2tex [resp. src2latex] is a sort of text converter from BASIC, C, C++, OBJECTIVE-C, COBOL, FORTRAN, HTML, JAVA, LISP, MAKE, PASCAL, PERL, SCHEME, SHELL, TCL/TK and ASIR, MACSYMA, MAPLE, MATHEMATICA, MATLAB, MAXIMA, MuPAD, OCTAVE, REDUCE to TeX [resp. LaTeX]. However, it is not a simple pretty-printer; actually, it is designed to fulfill the following desires: (1) We want to write mathematical formulae in comment area of source program. For instance, it is convenient if we are allowed to use an expression r=sqrt(x*x+y*y); /* radius $r=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}$ */ or something like that in C, and also, the program become more readable if we can embed mathematical formula into comment area of REDUCE, such as int(x/sqrt(1-x^2),x); % integration $\int{x\over\sqrt{1-x^2}}\,dx$ (2) We would like to patch PS or EPS figures upon source program. For example, if we can show a photograph with a simple phrase * See the following numerical simulation. * {\special{epsfile=simulation.eps}} of FORTRAN, it would be very impressive and further, if we are able to say (* This program generates the following surface. {\special{epsfile=graph.eps}} *) in MATHEMATICA, it is quite helpful. (3) We need a simple and easy-to-use tool which enables to combine documentation and manual with source program. Unfortunately, WEB is too complicated to a layperson, i.e., to a person who does not have any special knowledge of literate programming. (4) We often have to translate our program from text format to TeX format when we want to quote our own program in research report, lecture note, etc. That is quite time consuming, so it should be automated.
Nous avons profité de cette nouvelle version pour installer les polices EC, qui représentent l'aboutissement des polices DC (qui n'étaient que des versions préliminaires). Le codage des polices EC a été défini à Cork en 1990. Ces polices doivent désormais être aussi stables que les polices Computer Modern de Knuth.
Nous en avons aussi profité pour installer la version 0.76 de TheseCRIN, qui correspond à une modification dans la routine de sortie (\@outputpage) de LaTeX.
I have put the following files into the /incoming/custom-bib directory on the dante server. README.v382, merlin.mbs, physjour.mbs Please copy these into the directory latex/contrib/supported/custom-bib replacing those of the same name and removing README.v381.
This release fixes some problems with ``starred'' chapters (commands \chapter*, \section* ... ). The minitocoff.sty package is renamed mtcoff.sty to have a short name (the 8+3 limitations on some systems...). The language specific files (like mtcenglish.sty and mtcfrench.sty) are renamed with shorter names and the .mld suffix (mld = minitoc language definition), e.g. english.mld and french.mld. Some languages have been added: arabic (arab), breton, estonian, germanb, greek, irish, russianb, scottish, lower and upper sorbian, vietnamese (vietnam); renamed esperanto into esperant like in Babel. This version replace \emph{completely} the #25 version in macros/latex/contrib/supported/minitoc/ . The version #26 was an intermediate version and is not public.
________ |\ | | \ b | | \ | | \ | | \ | | a \ | | \ | |_______\|Il n'y a pas de documentation livrée avec ce package. Néanmoins, les essais que nous avons faits montrent qu'on peut écrire :
\begin{tabular}{...} \slashbox{a}{b}& ...ou bien
\begin{tabular}{...} \backslashbox{a}{b}& ...avec les effets évidents. Il y a aussi des paramètres optionnels, qui semblent régler le positionnement soit des deux textes, soit de la barre.
\backslashbox peut en particulier servir pour la case supérieure gauche d'un tableau.
En fait, la version 3.3 vient d'être annoncée officiellement. Nous allons tester cette version par rapport aux problèmes qui ont été rencontres. Du fait des fêtes de fin d'année, ces tests et l'éventuelle installation n'auront pas lieu avant début janvier.
capt-of.sty Defines a command \captionof for putting a caption to something that's _not_ a float stblftnt.sty Makes footnotes stable, in the sense that they disappear if the argument that they're in is moving (useful for footnotes in section headings) topcapt.sty Defines a command \topcapt, which does the same as caption, except that it places itself correctly when put _above_ the figure/table that it's a caption of
From the Announce file in the distribution: A brand-spankin' new version of PSfrag, version 3.01, for LaTeX2e can be found at CTAN sites in the directory macros/latex/contrib/supported/psfrag. PSfrag 3.01 This is a bug fix release, and should be installed over any copy of PSfrag 3.0 that is out there. In addition, I recommend that you re-typeset any files on which you have already used PSfrag 3.0. For those of you that are slow, and haven't downloaded PSfrag 3.0 yet: PSfrag 3.x constitutes a near-complete reimplementation of the internals of PSfrag. Veteran PSfrag users will note the absence of the ps2frag script; that is because _it is no longer necessary_.
Installé sous \\Serveur_PC\Texplorer sur richardmenil en B201. À intaller sur toute autre machine en cliquant sur setup.
ATTENTION : C'est une version de démonstration d'un produit commercial, elle est limitée à 30 jours !
qui crée
un fichier Lectern (à partir de Postscript par exemple)
et Lectern
qui le visualise.
Avec Lectern, on peut annoter un document et faire du
coupé/collé. C'est une alternative éventuelle à Acrobat.
, \subsection
etc. numérotées obéissent maintenant à
, \OddFoot
et le style de page
Fancy. (substitut au package
fancyhdr qui est incompatible avec
TheseCRIN)pstotext is a free (but copyright) Unix program that extracts ASCII text from PostScript and PDF (Acrobat) files. pstotext uses Ghostscript, but does a more careful job with kerned characters and nonstandard font encodings than Ghostscript's ps2ascii utility.
I've just added a new -cork option to pstotext. This option is only relevant for PostScript files produced by dvips from TeX or LaTeX documents; it tells pstotext to use the Cork encoding rather than the old TeX text encoding. Unfortunately files produced by dvips don't distinguish which font encodings were used.
You can download pstotext in source format from http://www.research.digital.com/SRC/virtualpaper/pstotext.html. I'd appreciate getting feedback from users of the -cork option: I only had a couple of documents to use for testing this option, so there may still be bugs in the decoding table.
P.S. Windows and OS/2 users can obtain pstotext functionality as part of Russell Lang's GSview (http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/gsview/), version 2.0 and later, which includes a DLL version of pstotext to implement its Edit/Text Extract and Edit/Find commands. The next release of GSvivew will include the -cork option and also DOS, Windows, and OS/2 command-line versions of pstotext.
DOS users can obtain a DOS executable version of pstotext, again without the -cork option, from Piet van Oostrum's software links page (http://www.cs.ruu.nl/~piet/software.html). Piet adapted the Unix sources to compile with the djgpp compiler.
On peut aussi consulter le \htmladdnormallinkfoot{serveur du projet}{http://www.loria.fr/isa}, qui inclut des images et des démonstrations en ligne.
% Maple Latex Environment Definitions % This latex style file defines environments suitable for % processing the latex documents exported from Maple worksheets.
Modifications and additions since v1.4: Program Modifications to the executable itself: * As usual, a few more warnings: + No space or similar in front/after parenthesis. + Demands a consistent quote style. + Double spaces in input which will not be rendered as one. + Punctuation malplaced regarding to math mode. + Warns about TeX primitives. + Space in front of footnotes. + Bogus \left and \right commands. * The abbreviation recognizer has (for the last time?) been redesigned. We now produce far less false warnings, catch more cases and do all this faster than before. Seems like a win. Done much of the same with the italic correction detection part, too... * Some bugs have been silently fixed. Hot spots in the program have been optimized; in certain cases this in fact doubles the speed! Along with this goes more code elegance and utilization of macro processing and the C language. Take a look at ``Resource.[ch]''. * It's possible to specify separate output-formats depending on whether you are sending the output to a file/pipe or to a terminal. * Column positions are finally correct; we now expand tabs correctly. * ChkTeX will now recursively search for \input'ed files, both in the document and on the commandline. See the ``chktexrc'' file for more info. * The debug switch is now more intelligent; if you wish to hack a bit on ChkTeX for yourself, it is possible to produce selective debugging output. The feature can also be disabled altogether. * MS-DOS and OS/2 version of the program is now more flexible and well-behaved, thanks to Gerd B=F6hm. * You may now say ``-wall'' to make all messages warnings, and turn them on. * Uses termcap on UNIX boxes; this should ensure that ``-v2'' (or more precisely: ``%i'' and ``%I'') works regardless to what terminal you are using. Resource file New concepts introduced in the setup file: * You may now specify both case-sensitive and case-insensitive user patterns in the ``chktexrc'' file. In addition; it is now possible to reset/clear lists. * It is possible to specify how many arguments (optional/required) ``WIPEARG'' should wipe; it behaves also somewhat more intelligent when the arguments stretch over multiple lines. * Global files will be read _in addition_ to local ones. The searching order has also been reversed in order to make this more intelligent. Other Various other stuff I've done to the product: * The documentation has been polished and should now be easier to use in practical situations. * ``check'' target in ``Makefile'', so you can check that the installation succeeded. In fact, the ``Makefile'' has been enhanced in several other ways too, amongst other it is now GNU conforming. * ``deweb'' is now documented; you may say ``man deweb'' to get a few words of advice. The support script (chkweb) does now behave as the remaining package (accepting stdin input and flags). * I've written an Emacs hack which magically adds ChkTeX to the list of AUC-TeX commands; thus making the use of the program even more trivial. For those of you who don't wish to mess with Emacs, I've included a trivial lacheck <-> ChkTeX interface. This means that you now can use ChkTeX just as easily as lacheck when you're running AUC-TeX. * Added an ARexx script which lets ChkTeX talk to VBrowse, the message browser of Volker Barthelmann's freely distributable ANSI C compiler. The browser itself is available on Aminet as ``dev/c/vbcc.lha''.
Cette installation ne modifie pas l'existant. C'est une alternative. Ces polices peuvent être utilisées avec dvips de la manière suivante : Au lieu d'écrire :
dvips -o fichier.ps fichier.dvion écrira :
dvips -Pcmtype1 -o fichier.ps fichier.dvi
Change from 1.03: Bug fixed: Setting papersize={w,h} had no effect when papertype (ex. a4paper) was given in geometry.cfg file or as a package option.
Changes from 1.02: o the calc package supported (Piet van Oostrum pointed out the bug. Thanks.) o package documentation revised.
at.sty -- Allows you to use `@' as a sort of `command-introducing' character, a bit like `\' is already. This gives you a lot more short command names which you can assign to common constructions. For example, you can set up @/text/ as a command to put text in italics. doafter.sty -- Provides a TeX programmer's utility \doafter token group which does the token after the group is complete, including any \aftergroup things. The code was originally written by Peter Schmitt in answer to a `challenge' I made on comp.text.tex;I tweaked it a bit to make it work slightly better. doafter.tex is a plain TeX version of the same macro. mathenv.sty -- Contains a collection of mathematical environments with a theme of aligning things in columns. There's a rewritten version of `eqnarray' which is much more powerful than the old one, and it gets the spacing right. This package requires `mdwtab.sty' in order to work. It is extracted from `mdwtab.dtx'. In general, the AmS things to a better job, although it seems that the mathenv matrix and script handling environments give prettier results than the AmS equivalents (at least to my eyes). mdwlist.sty -- Various list related environments. There's a more versatile `description' environment, and some stuff for making `compacted' lists (with no extra space between items). mdwmath.sty -- Contains a few trivial definitions for mathematical things. The main thing is that the \sqrt command for doing square roots has been improved -- there's a \sqrt* command which stops the line being drawn over the formula being square-rooted, and the positioning of the root index (the optional argument) has been improved. mdwtab.sty -- A complete ground-up rewrite of LaTeX's `tabular' and `array' environments. Has lots of advantages over the standard version, and over the version in `array.sty'. It works correctly with all the table-related packages in the Tools bundle (longtable, delarray, hhline, tabularx and dcolumn). sverb.sty -- A bunch of macros for doing verbatim things. Required for typesetting all the documentation for the other packages. syntax.sty -- A load of commands for describing syntax. There's an environment for typesetting BNF grammars. But best of all, there's a load of commands and environments for drawing syntax diagrams. Required for typesetting all the documentation for the other packages.
Quelques descriptifs: htmltoc -> ajout d'une table des matieres a une page html noindex -> construction d'un index notangle -> production de code a partir d'un fichier noweb nountangle -> idem, mais production de commentaires noweave -> production d'un fichier TeX ou LaTeX a partir de noweb noweb -> notangle et noweave en un sl2h -> simple LaTeX to HTML
This is the beta version of fancyhdr, a replacement for fancyheadings. There are no known bugs, and the only reason that this is not a real release is that I want to make a real .dtx of it, including the minimal documentation. The current documentation is in fancyhdr.tex, but this contains much more material than the fancyhdr doc. When the fancyhdr.dtx is ready, I will rename fancyhdr.tex into something like pagelay.tex to get it more in line with the title (Page Layout in LaTeX). fancyhdr is 99% compatible with fancyheadings. The only incompatibility is that \headrulewidth and \footrulewidth and their \plain.. versions are no longer length parameters, but normal macros (to be changed with \renewcommand rather than \setlength). Although all the other old fancyheadings commands continue to work you are advised to use the new syntax as described in fancyhdr.tex, because this is much easier to use in complicated cases. The old way of doing is no longer described in the manual, except for the simplest use of \lhead etc.
This package allows \LaTeXe\ users to customize page layout by an easy and flexible user interface. For instance, \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{body={6.5in,8.75in}, top=1.2in, left=2cm, nohead}. The previous version of the geometry package was called pagesize, which can be found in CTAN, but was renamed because the package is totally rewritten to use the \LaTeXe\ keyval interface by David Carlisle and to introduce a new algorithm for determining layout parameters. As a result, the package provides more flexible user interface and new specification for page layout while it does not work in \LaTeX209 environment.
This is the custom-bib package for generating customized BibTeX bibliography styles from a generic file by means of Frank Mittelbach's docstrip program.
# Fri May 31 13:28:20 1996 by Karl Tombre # Choix bibliographystyle en alpha en non numerique # # Fri May 31 13:16:49 1996 by Karl Tombre # Pas d'options taille type, double colonne, ou recto-verso # en slides # # Fri May 31 11:47:18 1996 by Karl Tombre # Pas de T1 pour la classe slides # # Mon Nov 27 13:38:34 1995 by Karl Tombre # Correction d'une interversion entre \author et \title # # Mon Nov 13 14:39:27 1995 by Karl Tombre # Ajout \title, \author, \maketitle et \thispagestyle{empty} en # cas de style de page empty. Suppression du hack de relaxation # de contraintes pour les polices postscript, devenu inutile # avec la nouvelle version des polices # # Mon Jun 26 16:37:19 1995 by Karl Tombre # Ajout police Pandora #
This new package offers a variety of footnote facilities - paragraph footnotes (i.e., all the footnotes on a page are run together as a single paragraph - footnotes numbered `per page' (using code by Brian Schellenberger, not as far as I know related to the footnpag package) - footnotes forced to the bottom of the page when the page otherwise ends short (though `bottom' floats still appear below the footnotes)
The files comprise a LaTeX2e package which allows the authors of papers cited via BibTeX to be automatically indexed.
This program was written in frustration of that some constructs in LaTeX are sometimes non-intuitive, and easy to forget. It is *not* a replacement for the built-in checker in LaTeX; however, it catches some typographic errors LaTeX oversees. In other words, it is Lint for LaTeX. Filters are also provided for checking the LaTeX parts of CWEB documents.