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Installation of AUC TeX


The following describes how to install AUC TeX under Unix. You may also be able to do use these instructions under some other operating systems, if you have already installed the proper GNU tools, such as `make'.

To install AUC TeX for an entire site (which may just be your own personal Linux box), issue the following two commands as root:

make lispdir=/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp install

except that instead of /usr/local/... you should use the location of your sites emacs installation. AUC TeX will then be installed in a subdirectory named `auctex' of the `site-lisp' directory, and the file `tex-site.el' will be stored directly in the `site-lisp'. You can now tell your users to enable AUC TeX by adding

(require 'tex-site)

to their `.emacs' file.

If you use xemacs instead, or if your emacs binary is named something else than `emacs', specify this by using the commands

make EMACS=xemacs
make lispdir=/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp install

to install.

If you want to install AUC TeX in your personal account, you should chose a directory for all your emacs add-ons, for example an `elisp' subdirectory in your home directory. You can then install AUC TeX with the commands

make lispdir=$HOME/elisp install

You will then need to add the following lines to your `.emacs' file:

(setq load-path (cons "~/elisp" load-path))
(require 'tex-site)


Next, you should edit the file `tex-site.el' to fit your local site. You do this by looking at the customization section in the beginning of `tex.el' and copy the definitions that are wrong for your site to `tex-site.el'. Do not edit `tex.el' directly, or you will have to do all the work over again when you upgrade AUC TeX. AUC TeX will not overwrite your old `tex-site.el' file next time you install, so you will be able to keep all your customizations.

There are two variables with a special significance.

User Option: TeX-lisp-directory
The directory where you want to install the AUC TeX lisp files.

This variable is set automatically by the make install command. If you don't issue a make install, for example if you don't want to install AUC TeX in a different place, you will have to set this variable manually to the location of the compiled files.

User Option: TeX-macro-global
Directories containing the site's TeX style files.

Normally, AUC TeX will only allow you to complete a short list of build-in macros and environments and on the macros you define yourself. If you issue the M-x TeX-auto-generate-global command after loading AUC TeX, you will be able to complete on all macros available in the standard style files used by your document. To do this, you must set this variable to a list of directories where the standard style files are located. The directories will be searched recursively, so there is no reason to list subsirectories explicitly.

You probably also need to change TeX-command-list to make sure that the commands used for starting TeX, printing, etc. work on your system. Copy the definition from `tex.el' to `tex-site.el' and edit the command names appropriately.

Finally, copy and edit TeX-printer-list to contain the printers available at your site.

To extract information from your sites TeX macros, type M-x TeX-auto-generate-global in your emacs. This will only work if you have set TeX-macro-global correctly in `tex-site.el'.

Contributed files

There are several files that are not part of AUC TeX proper, but included in the distribution in case they are useful.

Better highlighting for the obsolete `hilit19' package.
Better highlighting for the FONT-LOCK package.
Better support for bibliographies and much more.
Support for Japanese.
Support for context sensitive online help for various languages.

Read the comments in the start of each file for more information about how to install, what they do, and who wrote and maintains them.

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