FAQs, miscellaneous ...
- TeX algorithms
- TeX and UNICODE; see also Omega and
- Active TeX,
Instant Preview (Jonathan Fine)
- TeXcrazy
- Editing .dvi files, or WYSIWYG TeX (Jonathan Fine) (4 pages)
- Correcteur typographique pour l'édition électronique (Hélène Richy, Jacques André)
- A Test System for LaTeX-2.09 (D. P. Carlisle, 1994)
- The TeX Ruler (Victor Eijkhout) (1996)
- GMD's Music Archive (lots of MusiXTeX stuff, and others)
- PMX, a Preprocessor for MusiXTeX
- SceX: A Music
Processing System
- LilyPond -- The GNU Project Music Typesetter (see also here)
- MaTeXo - Database of mathematical exercices for TeX (in french)
- Lectern
(DEC's Virtual Paper project)
- Color Book Production Using TeX (Michael D. Sofka) (paper in TUGboat 1991?) (pdf)
- WebEQ (Java applets for mathematical typography)
- GIM : A LaTeX like language for building Graphical Interactive Manuals (Serge Chaumette) (LaBRI Technical Report 813-94, 1994)
- Convincing the skeptics... (discussion thread from USENET news about the advantages of (La)TeX over Word)
- Some stuff concerning CTAN (Joachim Schrod)
- An Experience from a
Digitization Project (Cahiers GUTenberg 28-29, 1998, pages 276-282)
(Petr Sojka)
- Prototyping
Telephone-directory Pages with TEX (Cahiers GUTenberg 28-29, 1998,
pages 283-294) (Richard Southall)
- Accessibilité des documents scientifiques aux non voyants (Fernando Chesa, Nicolas Mutel)
(in french)
(see also AsTeR).
- Rapportune chaîne éditoriale faisant intervenir
des thèses en LaTeX (1999) (document d'origine)
- Stereographic Pictures Using TeX (Reinhard Fössmeier) (from here)
Other systems
Last modified: 22 April 2004