1. LaTeX2HTML (Nikos Drakos) A perl script for translating LaTeX into html.
2. Ltoh (Russell Quong) A customizable Perl convertor from a subset of LaTeX to html.
3. Hyperlatex (Otfried Schwarzkopf) A processor for a subset of LaTeX enriched with hypertext-oriented commands.
4. Vulcanize (Mark-Jason Dominus) A Perl program for translating a subset of LaTeX to html.
5. Tex2RTF (Julian Smart) A C++ utility for converting from a subset of LaTeX to html and other formats.
6. Dlh (David Mosberger) A C translator for converting from a subset of LaTeX to html.
7. Tth (Ian Hutchinson) A C program for translating a subset of plain TeX and LaTeX into html. Uses fonts and tables to represent formulas.
8. tex2html (Dorai Sitaram) A Scheme script for translating a subset of plain TeX to html.
9. HyperTeX Introduces \special hyperlinks for dvi code that is to be translated into Adobe's Portable Document Format (pdf) or viewed by extended dvi previewers. Comes with packages that automatically introduce the links into the code, including hyperref for LaTeX2e (Sebastian Rahtz).
10. Pdftex (Han The Tanh) An extension of the TeX compiler offering an option for Adobe's Portable Document Format (pdf) output.
11. Idvi (Garth A. Dickie) A dvi viewer written in Java.
12. TechExplorer A plug-in for viewing sources written in a subset of TeX and LaTeX.
13. HtmlScript An extended html development language to be translated by a CGI into html.