Recently modified pages in the (La)TeX Navigator
Most recent changes are given first.
- Since March 2001, I made many changes, but have not reported
them here.
- March 2001: the links on the
Typography and
Distributions and Environments pages have been checked and several old links have been removed. In some
cases the right links have been tracked. Little by little, I am
converting all DVI files into PDF.
- 14/07/2000: pages changed:
- 14/07/2000: D. Roegel takes over all the pages.
The German and French pages are now no longer maintained.
Unfortunately the staff is not sufficient to keep the pages
up to date and to maintain their coherence.
Prior to me, the maintainer was NH.
- 30/03/1999: pages changed:
- Almost everything, really. Changed the index page,
changed all the pages to include tables of contents,
reorganised all the long pages with more hierarchy, tried
to remove some inconsistencies, and fixed a few bugs.
- 08/01/1999: pages changed:
- 07/01/1999: pages changed:
- Graphics (added a pointer to METAFONT samples)
- Miscellaneous (added a comparison between troff and TeX, somme stuff concerning CTAN by Joachim Schrod)
- Typographie (removed an "Old", added MS ClearType(TM))
- Distributions and
environments (sorted out Eqm, Eqm-lite 2.1, etc)
- Tools (a comparative review of WWW mathematics renderers, Niknak, Gellmu, XML vector format, dvipdfm)
- Bibliography on TeX & Co
(2 books in German, 2 in Catalan, 1 in Castillan, 1 in Greek)
- WWW servers dedicated to
(La)TeX (changed CervanTeX address, added DK-TUG, a web page about TeX primitives)
- Fonts and symbols (official Euro symbol specifications, Adobe Euro font, Eurosans)
- Museum (Year 2000 issues)
- Macros and packages (database of PPCHTeX formulas)
- removed all occurences of DC fonts in DVI files.
- fixed the research engine (finally !). Thanks to all those who reported the bug.
- 05/01/1999: pages changed:
- 18/11/1998: pages changed:
- 17/11/1998: pages changed:
- 17/11/1998: I ran webtester on
the (La)TeX Navigator. Thanks to this little program I have
fixed many local links that were broken. I also found many
distant links that were broken. Whenever I could, I replaced
them with a working address. When I found no working address,
I marked them with the icon.
- 04/11/1998: pages changed:
- Typographie (a pointer to Fontzone)
- Tools and Distributions and
environments (a pointer to Equation Magic
- Museum (a pointer
to TeX T-shirts and teddies)
- Added a new icon on the site:
will be used to show links pointing to documents that don't
exist anymore (so don't bother clicking). We prefer to keep these
links visible, mainly for TeX-historians. If the document
just moved to a new position, and you know this position,
please tell us.
- 02/11/1998: pages changed:
- 21/08/1998: pages changed:
- 17/08/1998: pages changed:
- Fonts and Packages (added a link toward GreekTeX)
- Servers dedicated to (La)TeX (changed the address for the Polish, Nordic and Slovac/Czech users groups. Added the Greek Tex Users Group, and a pointer to the Czech version of the LN)
- Literate Programming (added a pointer to a paper about literate programming by C. Lee, and a pointer about a new literate programming tool, interscript)
- Distributions (added a pointer to iTe)
- Tools (using Tex4ht to convert directly to XML)
- FAQ (a pointer to hypertext docs)
- 16/08/1998: pages changed:
- Permutted index
(removed a postscript bug, pointed out by Stefan Ulrich)
- Homepage and
(changed the name of the current maintainer)
- Graphics
(added several links, reorganised the whole page,
changed the link to jpeg2ps since that page
had moved to another place)
- Tools
(added several links related to PDF, reorganised the whole page,
removed three links that had a severe case of link rot)
- 06/08/1998: pages changed:
- 05/08/1998: page changed:
- 03/08/1998: pages changed:
Last modified: 5 June 2001